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Publication date: 2023-04-05
What are ways to sell seasonal products quickly?
The sale of seasonal products requires appropriate development of activities and a plan for customer involvement, to sell out the entire prepared assortment at the selected time.
- How to use SilentClicks for seasonal sales?
- What to do with seasonal goods, part of which is left in stock?
Find out how a specialized tool for in-company sales, SilentClicks, can help you organize seasonal sales.
Seasonal products – retailer’s challenge
Seasonal products are items that are of particular interest only at a selected time. The best example of such products are Christmas decorations. The demand for this type of item increases basically only in the period closely related to Christmas, and immediately after it drops to 0 and remains at this level until the next year.
Christmas decorations, however, are an ideal model for a seasonal product. The demand for Christmas trees, for example, in December each year is huge, and you can count on quick, effective sales. Seasonality does not always refer to such intense and significant periods for society.
Short seasons are characterized by high sales dynamics, but apart from them, each seller has to deal with long seasons. In the second case, it is difficult to calculate the demand for a selected item, e.g., a selected model of sunglasses. Therefore, we often have seasonal sales, especially in clothing stores.
Not always a sale is the best option for the seller. He has to give up part of the profit to encourage the customer to buy the product. With the use of a specialized tool for in-company sales, SilentClicks, you do not have to give up profit when selling the ends of the collection.
Closed sales on SilentClicks – quick sale
SilentClicks is a sales tool that allows you to create sales offers within closed auctions, available only to selected customers or contractors. Using the SilentClicks tool, you can quickly create a list of offers with seasonal products, end of collections and goods in stock, and promote them as special occasions, encouraging your customers to bid actively.
SilentClicks convinces customers to buy on your sale in just a few steps:
#1 Encourages
Encouraging customers to participate in auctions on SilentClicks is simple. Closed auctions are available only to invited participants, which you can use as part of your brand loyalty program. Which of the customers will not look at the “For VIPs” tab or check the Golden Offer just out of curiosity?
#2 Engages
The possibility of engaging the customer in the auction from the very beginning increases the value of the product you offer: limited series, the end of the collection, the last pieces – these slogans always attract attention.
Creating an auction offer with a seasonal product means that a customer who wants to buy an item has to monitor the situation in your sales channel for a while and raise the proposed bid for the item, to be eligible to purchase it. In this way, each participant in your auctions actively participates in the relationship with your brand.
#3 Works on emotions
Bidding on a special offer is a great way to turn on the customer’s emotions – and it is these emotions that make the customer more willing to spend money. The factor conducive to the implementation of sales assumptions is the so-called FOMO, or Fear of Missing out, fear of missing out. Seasonal offers are deals that customers don’t want to miss, but by using SilentClicks and bidding, participants are much more involved in the sales process.
Bidding requires a longer interest and active participation in the event in order not to miss the opportunity to take advantage of the special offer. Thanks to this, organizing sales of seasonal products on SilentClicks is more effective and attracts much more attention than the traditional “Buy Now” sale. An additional factor supporting the development of a strong brand is the ability to get the customer used to the new sales channel and build strong, long-term relationships with them.
How to effectively sell the end of the collection?
The ends of seasonal collections are hard to sell, especially after the season. However, it is not impossible. All you have to do is develop the right strategy that will make customers feel special and engage them in your sales campaign.
The specialized tool for in-company sales, SilentClicks, will allow you to create a new sales channel, exclusively for exceptional customers. You can invite auction participants by e-mail, which is why it is worth building a loyalty program that will give selected customers access to golden opportunities.
Sales on SilentClicks are attractive for the buyer and effective for the entrepreneur. When creating bids, you can set up a bidding auction and choose the start and end dates for the auction. You can set a minimum price for each auction, which will encourage participants to buy and at the same time allow you to avoid losses. On the other hand, an auction is a form of sale focused on maximizing the potential profit – participants outbid their offers and compete for the right to purchase the goods.
SilentClicks is a solution for the effective sale of seasonal products that allows you to:
- create shopping opportunities: last-minute offers, off-season sales and auctions with products, that are no longer available in regular sale,
- create a sales channel visually matched to your brand,
- run a new loyalty program for gold customers
- quick sale with the possibility of maximizing profit
- commission-free sales
In addition, you can customize the specialized tool for in-company sales, SilentClicks, to your needs by selecting the Enterprise license. This option allows you to permanently introduce a new sales channel on your terms – one of the possibilities in the package is the integration of the tool with other systems.
Key Takeaways: How to quickly sell seasonal products and increase profits?
Efficient sales of seasonal products will allow you to avoid problems with storing products, freezing capital and giving up profits. Thanks to SilentClicks you will achieve sales success by:
- encouraging and engaging customers to bid
- providing special offers, e.g. seasonal ones, with loyalty program
- building long-term relationships with clients
- maximizing potential profits
- exchange of promotional offers with large price reductions for exclusive, closed bargain auctions
Check how to use SilentClicks in your company and register to learn the mechanics of operation of a specialized sales tool completely free of charge.

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